How Hillary wasn’t charged - The difference between Trump’s lawyers “lying” and Clinton’s lawyers being “not forthcoming”
Trump Versus the Hive, Part 23

How Hillary wasn’t charged - The difference between Trump’s lawyers “lying” and Clinton’s lawyers being “not forthcoming”
A feeling of unfair treatment caused the George Floyd riots, and the 1/6 Capitol riots. Humans are hard-wired to view unfair treatment as a threat to our survival, as in prehistoric days of living in small tribes, it typically preceded in loss of in-group status and thus ultimately, death.
In 2014, the FBI learned a foreign government was going to send a foreign individual to help Hillary Clinton with influence to win the presidency. (Durham Report, p69[1]) Counterintelligence Division Executive Management directed a field office to obtain FISA warrants, but remained “in limbo” for months by the FBI. As the Durham Report found, “the application lingered because "everyone was 'super more careful'" and "scared with the big name [Clinton]" involved.321 "[T]hey were pretty 'tippy-toeing' around HRC because there was a chance she would be the next President." What the government jumped at the chance to investigate Trump for, with Hillary was backlogged.
But it was more than just backlog. According to the DOJ Office of Inspector General Report entitled, “A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election”, “On July 6, 2016, four days after Clinton’s interview, Agent 1 sent an instant message in which he stated that he was “done interviewing the President,” referring to Clinton.”[2]
Such apparently unfair treatment came to a head regarding Hillary Clinton, who received a Congressional subpoena and preservation letters regarding a Benghazi investigation, responded by having her emails, server, and phones deleted and destroyed.[3]
The FBI discovered through forensic analysis and witness interviews that Clinton’s associates deleted and “wiped” them from the server using “BleachBit.”[4]
If that is not obstruction, I’m not sure what is. Both Trump allies Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were convicted of contempt of Congress for defying Congressional subpoenas, with nothing so grave alleged as deleting tens of thousands of State Department-related emails being sought by Congressional subpoena.
Apparently, Hillary Clinton, through her directed staff and agents:
- intentionally set up a private, insecure email server in her basement,
- intentionally failed to disclose it, which had classified documents on them that she also failed to disclose,
- her staff intentionally deleted over 30,000 emails after a Congressional subpoena,
- and intentionally wiped the server with Bleach Bit,
- and intentionally had her agents smash their phones with hammers,
If you understand the legal definition of “intent”, you know all of the actions the FBI knows Hillary did herself or through her staff and agents are “intentional” acts.
However, the FBI’s Office of Inspector General produced a 500-page report on the FBI’s and DOJ’s actions leading up to the 2016 election. Included in it were purported justifications of not prosecuting Hillary. As they said, didn’t prosecute her because she didn’t do anything “intentional” which would warrant indictment.[5]
Comey’s nonsensical circular reasoning for not prosecuting: lack of intent. Essentially, Comey was saying, because the laptops were deleted with BleachBit, we couldn’t find “evidence” that it was done with “obstructive intent”.[6] An analogy would be like saying, because the perpetrator killed the victim, we couldn’t question the victim to confirm the murder was intentional, so we didn’t prosecute the perpetrator.
Thus, Hillary Clinton is the first person in history to be walking across the room, stumble, trip, fall, and accidentally set up an email server. In reality, the apparent purpose for setting up the private server in the first place was to be able to prevent the People/government from discovering her communications; planned ahead to have the ability to delete her emails in case of investigation.
As Chuck Grassley Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee stated, “Mr. Combetta used BleachBit software to effectuate the deletions, software that is used to “shred files to prevent recovery.” It is difficult to square these circumstances with your public conclusion that, “[the FBI] found no evidence that any of the additional work-related e- mails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them.”[7]
Comey also stated in his July 5, 2016, press conference:
“…We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton's use of a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal email extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's personal email account.”[8]
Translation: Looks like hostile actors gained access to Hillary’s classified docs, not Trump’s classified docs, but let’s not prosecute Hillary, but prosecute Trump anyway.
Trump was charged with “conspiracy” and RICO because he and or his attorneys allegedly “lied”. But that’s not how the FBI treats the Clintons. Clinton didn’t “lie” according to the FBI.
Clinton’s answers, merely, innocently, “strained credulity”. Per the Office of Inspector General’s Report, “Witnesses told us, and contemporaneous emails show, that the FBI and Department officials who attended Clinton’s interview found that her claim that she did not understand the significance of the “(C)” marking strained credulity.”
Agent 1 stated, “I filed that in the bucket of hard to impossible to believe.”[9]
“Hard to impossible to believe”, but they won’t say “lying.”
Likewise, Clinton’s attorneys were simply “not forthcoming”.
See, for example, page 82 of same report:
“FBI team members told us that they believed they could have obtained evidence faster with process, especially after instances when, they believed, Clinton’s attorneys had not been forthcoming about the existence of potential sources of evidence. For example, after Clinton’s attorneys voluntarily provided the FBI the Pagliano Server pursuant to an August 7, 2015 consent agreement, the FBI discovered through its own investigation that there was a successor server—the PRN server. According to documentation we reviewed, the prosecutors and the FBI were frustrated that Clinton’s attorneys had not been forthcoming about the PRN server, and Prosecutor 1 wrote a letter to Kendall expressing this frustration.” Report, p82.[10]
So when the FBI thinks Trump or his lawyers are lying, it is called “lying”, and “false”, and “fraud”, and they are all indicted and criminally charged with “Conspiracy to Defraud the United States” and RICO, and his lawyers are charged with crimes, and government tries to get them to flip on Trump, and attorney-client privilege is thrown out the window.
But with Clinton, they were simply, innocently, “not forthcoming”. It’s no big deal, slightly annoying, but they don’t see any intent and don’t charge any crimes.
Ideology is what separates “lying” and “conspiracy” from being innocently “strained credulity”, “hard to impossible to believe”, “not forthcoming” and no conspiracy. Nothing to see here.
How could there not be a conspiracy when Clinton obviously directed her staff to set up the server, BleachBit her emails, and destroy their hardware when being investigated?
One doesn’t accidentally come up with the language “not forthcoming”. It was cleverly crafted by lawyers to explain lying while sounding as innocent as a snowflake.
Ideology is the only thing that separates, “not warranting prosecution” in the case of Clinton, from the federal and state indictments Trump faces. If the government wanted to charge Clinton and her attorneys, and threaten her attorneys with decades of jail time to flip on Clinton, they certainly could have the exact same way. They chose not to. It could be a 500-page paper, or a 5000-page paper, it is still the Lavool monkey mind making the distinctions one way for the in-group, and seeing things hostile when viewing the actions of the out-group.[11]
And it was a collaborative effort by many sharing in the ideology.
FBI Agent Peter Strzok was part of the email chain that changed Comey’s letter to Congress in 2016 from a draft that said the FBI had an “obligation” to review Hillary Clinton’s conduct, to “should.”[12]
Agent Peter Strzok also changed the language describing Hillary Clinton’s conduct from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless”, with the former being a criminal standard of culpability, and the latter being not criminal, in Comey’s draft statement.[13]
These are the judgment calls and prosecutorial discretion decisions that play out in favor of in-group and against out-group.
The big concern, is that Hillary’s emails contained evidence that would provide additional insight into allegations of comingling of funds between the millions of dollars admittedly received from overseas donors to the Clinton Foundation, and the Clintons themselves. This and a lot more is detailed in DOJ Inspector General Horowitz’s Report.[14]
It is unlikely, however, that mainstream media scrutiny on the Clinton Foundation would trigger law enforcement action, for other reasons as well. Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media individuals and organizations, including “NBC Universal, News Corporation, Turner Broadcasting and Thomson Reuters…Comcast, Time Warner, Viacom … Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom magnate and largest shareholder of The New York Times Company, and James Murdoch, the chief operating officer of 21st Century Fox. Both Slim and Murdoch have given between $1 million to $5 million, respectively.”[15]
Say nothing else about Trump, he is the outsider candidate against the system, not the one, if anyone, who has the system working for them.
Nor was James Clapper prosecuted for lying under oath to congress. Then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, under oath in a Congressional hearing on March 12, 2013, responded “no sir, not wittingly” when asked by Senator Ron Wyder whether the U.S. government was collecting “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.”[16] While proven false, when large-scale government spying was revealed, and despite the seriousness of it being a threat to the freedoms of all Americans, Clapper got a pass from Obama’s FBI. He knew the truth; he told a major falsehood regarding his knowledge of massive violations of the Constitution; but no charges. He later made the excuse that he supposedly didn’t understand the question, and was free to go.
Nor was there any impeachment or criminal charges or blame or even criticism of John Brennan, James Clapper, FBI Director Comey, Joe Biden, or Barack Obama. This nation was in a 22-month frenzy over Russia collusion. In reality, they had all been brief by National Security Advisor John Brennan on intelligence reports that Hillary was planning to use the FBI to target Trump on false allegations of Russia collusion. A foreign government warned us this was happening. They all knew, and had a meeting, that the FBI was being used by their side’s political candidate against the opposing candidate, and they did and said nothing to stop the investigations, spy warrants, and special counsel turning this country upside down.[17] Brennan’s notes on the planned political attack using the FBI against Trump is here.[18]
According to the Senate Judiciary Committee:
“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians' hacking of the Democratic National Committee. The IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”
“According to his handwritten notes, former Central Intelligence Agency Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.’”[19][20]
Why wasn’t this a conspiracy between these individuals to defraud the U.S. government, and collaborate to interfere with Trump’s election and presidency using the power of the state? In fact, the third piece of declassified information was:
On 07 September 2016, U.S. intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok regarding "U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server."
Don’t we look like fools. We investigated the wrong guy for 22 months and tore the nation apart. In reality, the entireRussia investigation of Trump, the fervor, the fury, the salivating every night, the special counsel, all arose from a plot by Hillary to use the FBI to her political ends to distract from her use of a private email server. [21]
All the key people knew about it, and let it happen, if not assisted, to try to stop Trump’s presidency. In fact, Comey and Strzok apparently kept it secret from President Trump even while serving under him as president.
If that’s not a deep state run by Democrats collaborating against the Republican President, can you tell me what is?
p135 (Removed from DOJ website, available at
[4] (P38, 77, 78)
[9] p137
[17] “Indeed, CIA Director Brennan and other intelligence officials recognized the significance of the intelligence by expeditiously briefing it to the President, Vice President, the Director of National Intelligence, the Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, and other senior administration officials.491” Durham Report, p97