Quotations on world peace
Some of my favorite own quotes on world peace
Humbly, here are some of my quotations on Israel and world peace. The concepts behind them are discussed in detail in my writings. As some are a bit enigmatic, please feel free to reach out for an explanation.
“The opposite of war is nuance”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The anti-semitism that plagued Jews for 2000 years in every community will increasingly infect the whole world as the world becomes a community.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“We are a light unto the nations, whether the world wants to see that light or not.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The Jewish people are the chosen people, not for privilege, but for the duty of maintaining the world’s moral compass, and if not, the pain of resetting it.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The Jewish people are not “the chosen people” for any privilege other than the privilege of the suffering necessary to bring the world back to a moral path. So please don’t make it any harder.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Anti-Semitic Europe embraced Nazism, then after World War II pretended it learned its lesson, and simply went on to embrace anti-Semitic Islamic extremism, proving it learned nothing.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Anti-semitism appears incurable except in individuals who have risen to a level high enough to accept the mysteries of Jewishness”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Israel must be a state because the world has lost moral perspective, and will destroy itself without it.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The future of war is not missiles nor drones nor bombs, as much as it is strategic understandings of how to get enemies to moderate each other.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Making sure wars are endless appears to be an art form” (Regarding Biden/Obama in 2024)
Daniel Ben Abraham
“If Satan were running things, trying to encourage and fuel both sides into escalating war, he couldn’t be doing a much better job.” (Regarding Biden/Obama in 2024)
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Humanity’s wars are not over land nor resources nor religion. Wars are not caused by individuals, nor soldiers, nor even leaders for the most part. Wars are caused by the moral questions that humanity stumbles over. When we cannot answer these moral questions, we begin to polarize on opposite sides of them in group collective mindsets. Each side becomes increasingly ideological and irrational, breaking down the systems that maintained peace, believing it is defending itself from a worse threat in the other, until war is the only option left.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“If humanity could find a way to answer the moral questions it stumbles over, it would mean the end to all war.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“You don’t need an army to stop another army; just ask them a question they can’t answer.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Maybe the way to solve an unsolvable puzzle is with another puzzle.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Maybe the way to make the world more peaceful, is to make it more Jewish”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The solution to both politicized anti-semitism and all conflict amongst man is the same – a new global peace-building system based on and in Jerusalem that continually resets the world’s moral compass by solving all global conflicts, maintaining a Talmudic-style debate to keep evil ideologies from rising.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“What’s more powerful, a bomb, or the ability to turn the world from anti-Israel to anti-Iran in one day?”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Those on one side won’t be outraged by crimes of others on their same side, because their purported moral compass’s logic is subservient to emotional tribalism. The difference between other moral perspectives and the Jews’, is that civilization is build on and inseparable from the Jews. As war is a battle for moral perspective, the secret to ending all war against mankind is a moral perspective grounded in Judaism as its compass.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“God, Because when you pray for help with your problems, who else would give you more problems to help you appreciate what you have.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Moral perspective is relative. If you identify tribally with an in-group, that subconscious collective hive mind will overpower your ability to reason right from wrong objectively.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“A true judge’s rulings are enforced simply by being correct.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The Palestinian problem in a nutshell is that the “Palestinian cause” is actually two ideologies, one that wants to live in peace, and a second that wants to conquer Israel. The problem is they are intertwined, and when the world feeds one, they feed the other. And they run down the heart of each Palestinian. The metaphysical solution is the universe of ideas that helps the first while necessarily and certainly hindering the second.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“War is a battle for moral perspective, controlled not by reason but ideology, which is in turn controlled by primitive in-group versus out-group polarization. In the Stone Age, if a member of your tribe killed a member of another tribe, it was fine; and if they killed a member of yours, it was infuriating. A mugger would have as much right to kill his victim as the victim has a right to defend himself if your moral persecutive were rich versus poor instead of criminal versus law-abiding.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Leftism might be defined as the tribalism of human beings’ innate self-destructive tendency rationalized across a collective ideology.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“A teacher who teaches falsely will eventually lose all their students…if you’re listening, United Nations”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Buried within the mystery of irrational anti-Semitism is a secret to unlocking all war amongst mankind”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“People controlled by ideology behave “irrationally” in that it is against their own interest. However, “irrationally” doesn’t mean operating by no rules, just a different set of rules that are invisible to human understanding. If we understood these rules, we would be able to alter the course of ideologies. As ideological behavior is the hidden, primary causal force of all war, this understanding is the beginning of the end of all war amongst mankind.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Criticism of Israel is anti-semitic if aligned with those who want to destroy her.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“It’s one thing to not let the Aspie kid play in your kids game. It’s quite another to not let him be part of saving the world from nuclear war.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“All these questions. Someone should do something with them.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Without a moral compass, much of the world today, if they lived in Hitler’s Germany, would have empathized with Hitler’s efforts to get rid of the “evil” Jews.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“One day the PeaceMatrix™ will make our current conflict-resolution efforts look primitive.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“There have been many sci-fi movies about supercomputers becoming extremely smart. So hey, why not one story about humanity becoming extremely smart?”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“If you’ve read 50 books and I’ve read 50 different books, we can disagree even more vehemently.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Intellectualism does not always equal wisdom, and in fact can even make one argue incorrect points more articulately.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Two people who cannot agree on anything else might be able to agree on a question to ask.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Imagine if every time we reach an impasse, we assume we are arguing over the wrong issue and look for a way around it.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Maybe the way to solve an unsolvable puzzle, is with another puzzle.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“If suppression of the other side’s view is the disease, the multi-perspective view is the cure.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The PeaceMatrix™ changes the objective from winning over the other party, to winning over the question.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The PeaceMatrix™ is designed to keep the right questions in the forefront of our minds, so the backs of our minds, our subconscious, our collective unconscious, can go to work on answering them. Times. Seven. billion.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Maybe we should consider developing more global solutions backwards.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Perhaps I’ve made not only peace-building mechanical, but metaphysics mechanical.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Other than religion and spirituality, I believe the PeaceMatrix™ to be among the most advanced, organized, large scale, theoretical use of applied thought-reality causal metaphysics in man’s history.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Currently, we don’t understand ourselves, let alone each other.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“The Jews were wandering the desert for 40 years, until someone stepped in manure and got stung by a bee, and jumped for joy that we’ve found the land of milk and honey.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Radical idea – what about trying to communicate better instead?”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“In essence, channeling the thoughts of humanity through the constructive diagram of the PeaceMatrix™ is preferable to our survivability as a species, than through the destructive emotions derived from current media, political discourse, and negative perspectives.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“What is luck, if not a metaphysical phenomenon?”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“If intuition strikes you before something happens, did the intuition predict the event, cause the event, did the event cause the intuition, or are these distinctions themselves our misunderstanding of metaphysics.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Genius is someone whose conscious and subconscious mind work better together on a particular task, taking the task out of merely the conscious mind.”
Daniel Ben Abraham
“Zionism is not merely the belief that the Jewish people should have a home in our indigenous ancient Jewish homeland of Israel. It is the belief that every unique, beautiful, and peaceful people and culture should have a secure home, and a universal value the whole world can adopt. The Indians can have a home, so can the Seikhs, the Tibbettans, the Taiwanese, Chinese, the Ukrainians, Russians, the British, the French, the Kurds, the Armenians. Zionism is the moral framework the whole world can unite behind, aligned directly with the Jews.”
Daniel Ben Abraham