Thanks for destroying international law
By Daniel Ben Abraham
To my dear 146 countries recognizing a “nation” of “Palestine”, and to my dear United “Nations”, International Court of “Justice”, General Assembly, “Security” Council, “Human Rights” Commission, and International “Criminal” “Court”,
You are all mistaken, and Israel is correct.
You cannot judge Israel, because you cannot even comprehend what a Jew is, let alone what Israel is. You can’t comprehend the Jewish contribution to your life, or even who you yourself would be without the Jews. Even though you may not be a Jew, you enjoy and are inseparable from a civilization built on Judaism and its Judeo-Christian values. It’s not merely that humanity advanced more in the past 3500 years than in the million years prior. It’s not even that without the Jews, you would have lived your life as a slave or been sacrificed by some warlord on an altar for an unknown deity in his hopes of a better harvest next year. But you weren’t, because we told your ancestors what is right and wrong. We always have, and we always will.
The United Nations and its modern, untested “laws” have been around for 75 years, after failure of the nearly-as-primitive League of Nations. The Jews have been around for over 3500 years, including in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem no less. No matter what your skewed perspective, standing against Israel will put you on the wrong side of history, because the Jews will write that history.
We have holidays like Purim where we study and celebrate the demise of anti-Semitic empires who rose up against us. Not just Haman, the ancient Egyptians, the Amaleks, the Persians, the Babylonians, the Romans, the Greeks, the Assyrians, the Nazis and all the others.
We didn’t destroy them with war. They went by moral irrelevance. By the pen.
Should we add your culture to the list of the demised?
Why not, when you helped attack the Jews with a perversion of international law that seeks to judge how a mother may try to recover her kidnapped child? Tell me the purpose of international law, if not to deter terrorism and those who start wars.
Why not, when you sought to help disarm the Jewish people while under attack from a terrorist-led genocidal ideology?
How do you expect not to be judged, siding with a group that burns babies alive in their cribs and rapes children?
The Jews will write history because Judaism is based on natural law, while international law is made up of fleeting theories about how a perfect world should be, that the bad guys don’t follow anyway and that have never won a war.
Or perhaps you’d like to explain how a terrorist-led genocidal ideology that can’t agree on its own borders and has brought suicide bombing to the world meets your definition of a “peace-loving state” under the United Nations Charter?
And no, it’s no excuse that you wrongly believe you are being a neutral third party helping innocents, because you’re not.
You can’t be neutral because you know very well Hamas’ goal of destroying Israel and every Jew. You know Hamas waives swastika flags, and you know the Palestinians have been at war with the indigenous Jews since before the Grand Mufti met with Hitler. Is there a middle ground with Hitler and Swastikas that you’d like explained on your culture’s tombstone? Perhaps you’re only helping the equivalent of German civilians who suffered when the Allies came to stop Hitler - is that your defense? Kind of an odd focus, don’t you think? But so is devoting most of the U.N.’s resolutions, time, and resources to the one tiny democracy in the region, right?
We, the Jewish people, know the truth. And we’re not afraid to use it. We know that if you had a choice between bordering a nation of Jews, and a nation of “Palestine”, that you’d choose the Jewish people every time as neighbors. Yet, you side with the Palestinians now. You know the Arab history of conquest of every other culture and people over the past 1400 years, and yet you side with them, as if your own culture weren’t next on the chopping block. You know the Palestinian ideology doesn’t want their own state but only to destroy Israel, because they would have formed a state between 1948 and 1967 while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. And that’s all fine with you?
You can declare that a 3000-year-old Jewish Temple doesn’t belong to the Jews all you like. You are only nullifying your own judgments by their absurdity. So keep saying Judea does not belong to the Jews. As a teacher who teaches falsely will lose all his students, you drive your own culture head first into the dustbins of history.
The world for 3500 years has learned from the Jews, that slavery is wrong, that conquest is wrong, that anti-Semitism is wrong, and intentionally killing innocents is wrong, because we are the world’s moral compass. No matter how enticing it may be to side with those who burn babies alive in their cribs, rape women for months in a cave, and burn entire families tied together, the world’s morality always self-corrects eventually. It always has. And when the moral dust clears, you will have sided with the monsters. And no matter how righteous it may feel to conflate intentional targeting of civilians with accidental, taking hostages with trying to get them back, and offense with self-defense, the world will know the difference. Long after your culture is gone, for having turned evil. Because we will tell them.
There is no Palestine. It does not matter how many nations recognize something. Truth is not created by popular vote.