An uncanny new phenomenon in understanding global peace and security

Daniel Ben Abraham is a unique writer, lawyer, neurodivergent creative outlier, strategic tactician, futurist, peace-builder, and metaphysical problem-solver with new perspectives, insights, predictions and solutions you’ll find nowhere else. This is not mere news or analysis. World War 3 is currently unfolding, as well as a second American Civil War, and without Daniel’s newsletter, you are missing the keys. Gem ideas government employees won’t dare put on paper, strategies too outside-the-box for think tanks, and patterns others don’t recognize are just the beginning.

There are many experts, but nobody combines group psychology and collective neurochemistry, philosophy, international law, metaphysics and spirituality, a global perspective, contrarian “10th man” perspectives, and outside-the-box new theories and next-level ideas and understandings like this. This is a must have for those who must know.


Where to go first:


World peace possible by 2065 with Elon Musk’s help, says author








The PeaceMatrix™ Volume 1: The mission to implement the world’s most revolutionary peacebuilding system and stop WWIII


Writings on Israel and Entitativity: THE PEACEMATRIX™ Volume II


  • “The PeaceMatrix™” - The only source of the development and implementation of the PeaceMatrix™ global peace-building system that may one day replace the anti-semitic and anti-American United Nations. Will this be the world peace-building system between every nation, tribe, culture, religion, political group and ideology based in Jerusalem that is predicted in the Bible?

  • “Israel and Global Security” Newsletter - The solutions to the ideological war to extinguish Israel including step-by-step strategies for winning the Gaza war, increasing global anti-Semitism, increasing global anti-Americanism, and anti-Westernism. The United Nations is being turned into a tool for destruction of Western Civilization, and one idea can make the difference.

  • “Trump Versus the Hive” - How to understand and fight the collective neuro-chemical unconscious bias of the Left, and help President Trump correct its ideological control of the media landscape, Justice Department, education system, and election process to stop our current escalation toward a second American Civil War.

  • “PeaceMatrix™ Entitativity theory” - Applying the revolutionary new theoretical keys for unlocking and stopping all war amongst mankind to unfolding global events and their solutions. We can’t defeat the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS - because they are ideas - unless we know the mechanics of how to weaken, divide, and destroy collective hive mind ideologies from Islamic extremism to Leftism on the metaphysical level.

  • 10th Man, devil’s advocate and contrarian analysis of think tank, org, and government policies and positions applying the PeaceMatrix™ system and Entitativity theory. Custom consulting available.

  • (Coming soon) Obama’s involvement behind the scenes of the Biden Administration and planned Harris Administrations as a third term and fourth term, and why it will lead to World War Three.

  • (Coming soon) “Saving Europe” - Understanding the frameworks for solutions to save the cultures of Europe.

  • (Coming soon) PeaceMatrix™ application and solution-development to ongoing and potential global conflicts. A global geometric philosophical debate and solution development system between think tanks. Think tanks may take part in the development of PeaceMatrixes™, subject to discretion and availability.


  • Free membership - much content.

  • Paid membership - more content.

Membership and involvement always subject to approval by Daniel Ben Abraham.

Articles are in constant state of development and updating, with notifications in the newsletter.

About Daniel:

The grandson of Hungarian holocaust survivors, Daniel has a Juris Doctorate with specialization in international law, a Bachelor’s in business from Penn State, and is a member of Shurat Hadin Israel Law Center.

Daniel is the author of The PeaceMatrix™ - The Mission to Implement the World’s Most Revolutionary Peace-building System and Prevent WW3, and has a personal blog on the Times of Israel, but his most complete, detailed, and up to date insights, analysis, predictions and ideas can only be found here, on Substack.

Daniel’s approaches to the challenges of anti-Semitism, terrorism, American political understanding, and Israeli and international peace and security combine understandings of history, psychology, philosophy, law, Judaism and Judea-Christian values, spirituality, and metaphysics to give you a unique understanding of events past, present, and future.

You may also follow Daniel on Twitter (x)


The PeaceMatrix™ Volume 1: The mission to implement the world’s most revolutionary peacebuilding system and stop WWIII

Writings on Israel and Entitativity: THE PEACEMATRIX™ Volume II

Explaining Trump to Children and the Left: A children's book, for adults too


Best article I have read about the conflict and the war.” - One reader re Times of Israel blog, The True Reason We’re Not Getting the Hostages Back:

To contact Daniel, email Daniel (at) danielbenabraham (dot) com

For an introduction to the PeaceMatrix™, please watch relevant videos, or see:

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© Daniel Ben Abraham Publishing, LLC

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Subscribe to Saving Humanity From World War 3: The PeaceMatrix™

New theories to end all war amongst mankind, prevent WW3, end terrorism, secure the future for Israel, protect American freedom, and save all of civilization with the PeaceMatrix™ world peace-building system


Conservative lawyer, writer, and creative problem-solver with outside-the-box ideas and solutions for American politics and global peace and security applying psychology, philosophy, spirituality, law, International law, strategy, and metaphysics.